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Home Care Exercises

Disclaimer: These videos and exercises are intended to be performed solely by our patients. You are to do only the exercises that have been directly prescribed to you by your doctor. If you are unsure, please ask us before beginning any of the following exercises:

Cervical Extension Exercise

This simple exercise helps increase the effectiveness of spinal adjustments targeting your pelvis. We’ll demonstrate the proper technique and form for this exercise, so you can improve the health of your spine.

Cervical Flexion Exercise

This home care exercise focuses on stabilizing and strengthening the vertebrae in your neck. Your neck contains each of the cervical vertebra that give it a natural curve, known as the “arc of life.”

Chest Expander Exercise

The Chest Expander Exercise Is Used To Correct Subluxations In The Upper Thoracic And Lower Cervical Spine. We’ll Teach You The Proper Form To Hold For 60 Seconds To Successfully And Safely Complete This Exercise.

Head Weighting

The head weight system helps reestablish the cervical curve in your neck, which is essential to optimizing the function of your entire nervous system.

L-5 Spondylo Exercise

This lower back exercise targets the lowest verterbra in your spine, or the L5.

Lumbar Extension Exercise

This Exercise Targets The Lumbar Vertebrae In Your Low Back. Perform This Exercise Properly And You Will Accentuate The Essential Curve In Your Lower Spine While Stabilizing Your Lumbar Vertebrae.

Pelvic Rotation Blocking

This exercise is essential to maintaining the proper alignment of your spine.

Praying Mantis Exercise

This Torso Stretching Exercise Focuses On Strengthening Your Thoracic Spine. For Maximum Effect, Hold This Position For 60 Seconds.

Progressive Rolls

This system of supports helps maintain the necessary natural curves of your spine.

Psoas Stretch

This Stretch Helps Open And Loosen Your Hips, Which Prevents Subluxations In Your Pelvic Regions. It Also Helps Strengthen Your Spine.

Standing Cervical Traction

This exercise is essential to removing abnormalities in the cervical spine as well as preventing degeneration of the vertebrae in your neck.

Wobble Chair Exercises

To Begin Your At-Home Rehabilitation You’ll First Be Introduced To Wobble Chair Exercises. The Wobble Chair Is Typically An Inflatable Disc That Simply Sits On Your Chair Or Table. We’ll Demonstrate How To Warm Up Your Entire Spine Through Each Plane Of Motion Using This Simple, Yet Super Effective Tool.

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